Whisky Review: Spring Loving Black Bottle

Spring and Whisky Cocktails were not exactly what you were thinking? And that’s why its so brilliant. Its the same innovation and out of the box thinking that brought to life the Graham brother’s Black Bottled Whisky. Cee’s favorite Whisky Brand.

I first met the creation from the Graham brothers, when DKC sent me to the media re-launch for the new look bottle. The event was hosted at The Dutch in Durban North, SA and it was a wonderful evening. You can see my thoughts here .

My love of Black Bottle Whisky itself is very simple. It smells of smoke, ash and wood. That’s all. It’s the perfect whisky in a sense where it can stand on its own two feet, is the perfect mix to have with ginger ale and even better can be easily mixed into a cocktail for a lighter, fresher choice during Spring afternoons.

Hailing from Aberdeen is one of the greatest Whisky creations I have tasted in my 12 year Hospitality Career. Three brothers who were tea makers in 1879 have come out on top believing that there was more in them and their futures than just being good at something, but rather choosing to be brilliant.

Whisky Cocktails are fun. They’re fun to make and fun to drink, but messy to experiment with. For that reason, I have used example images below for the recipes I created. Your drinks should look like the image examples when mixed correctly. And don’t be scared to get a little feisty in the kitchen / bar area.

I want people to start understanding that Whisky does not have to be a heavy drink and with a brand like Black Bottle who are all for mixing your own creations, what excuses do we have left not to try something new?

I personally would love to throw a Ladies Whisky Cocktail Afternoon this Spring. Surrounded by good friends Spring dresses and light finger food. So lets get to it and discover some of those cocktail mixes.

Hedgerow Sling 1 crop

The Sarah Bernhardt

Much like the feisty and fiery namesake, known as “The Most Famous Actress The Word has Ever Known” with her naturally red mane, meet this new take on Whisky.


1 x Tall Glass

3 x Table Spoons of Crushed Ice

1/2 Can of Bashews Pink Pineapple Soda (Yes its Pink)

 2 x Shots of Black Bottle Whisky 

1/2 Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice


Add the crushed ice to the tall glass

Add the Black Bottle Whisky to the crushed ice

Add the Orange Juice

And top with Bashews Pink Pineapple Soda

Do not mix, but rather sip as is, letting the flavors naturally run into each other



The Veronica Lake

I’d imagine that this Pear and Apple Whisky-Tini is much like Miss. Lake. A typical New York Upmarket drink. Drunk on roof top bars and cigar clubs alike.


1 x Martini Glass

1 Teaspoon Brown Sugar

1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon Spice

2 x Shots of Black Bottle Whisky

125 mls Pear Juice (I suggest a dry pear not a sweet pear)

80mls Apple Juice

Lemon Juice

Baked Apple


Use Lemon Juice to wet the rim of the glass

Mix the Cinnamon & Sugar together and sprinkle the mix around the wet rim of the glass

Add slightly warmed Pear and Apple Juice

Heat up the Black Bottle Whisky and add to glass just before serving

Add pieces of the baked apple to the Martini

Serve and Enjoy…….


The Humphrey Bogart

Simply put, a classic, classy culturally icon of male Golden Era of Hollywood.
I like to think that this cocktail pays home-age to the Black Bottle Brand its creators the Graham Brothers. By keeping it simple and enhancing the strong flavors and smokey element within this Whisky.


1 x Chilled Tumbler Glass

3-4 Small Ice Cubes

3 x Fingers of Black Bottle Whisky

1 Shot of Kahlua

1 x Finger Soda Water (Optional)


Add the Ice cubes to the chilled tumbler glass

Add the Kahlua and leave to settle in the ice cubes

Add Soda water

Add Black Bottle Whisky

Do not mix, use small straw to sip chilled cocktail

Enjoyed well with sharp finger foods, such as Brie, Gorgonzola, Gherkins and Marmalade Onion

Thanks to the team at DKC and the Black Bottle Family for once again, allowing me a peak into their world. I look forward to seeing more things come from the BB Team.

And As Always…..




5 Replies to “Whisky Review: Spring Loving Black Bottle”

  1. I’m rather efficient – I bought a bottle mere hours after commenting – and have cracked it open already! I don’t mind it – plenty of smoke to… chew on? I don’t know. There are some elements of JW Black about it – but its where it departs from this that it thrives.
    Again, cheers for the recommendation!
    Keep on waffling,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am SO EXCITED right now! You actually brought a bottle! YAY!

      Awesome sauce. Its become my favorite whisky, just something about it, grabs my soul and say ” Here…have a whisky”. 🙂

      Where in the world are you based Whisky Waffle? On that note total #LoveAndTravelHugs© for your name. Whisky Waffle is like my childhood and adulthood mixed into one and because I have a licence, its legal 🙂



      1. Yeah, you’re obviously very persuasive! Or an internet hypnotist!

        “Here… have a whisky” Ha ha, overly talkative whiskies are the best ones! ;D

        Myself and m’colleague with whom I share the blog, are both from the little state of Tasmania in the big country of Australia. We have many distilleries and beautiful beaches with freezing cold water! Have you made it down this way before? Oh and cheers for the trade marked hashtag!

        Whisky and waffling is what we do best. Oh, and eating waffles. Though that’s a completely separate blog: NickandTedareGluttons.com. We don’t seem to have got round to launching that one yet…

        Now I want a trade mark hashtag! Maybe I could go with #KeepOnWaffling Yep. That’ll do!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Nick, you are hilarious. I just ended up spilling my coffee on the couch because you made me laugh by surprise 🙂

    To be fair not 100% your fault. I was balancing the cup on the seat next to me…could have been a contributing factor, im not saying it was, im just saying….like…..maybe? *Shrugs shoulders*

    #KeepOnWaffling, I like it actually its got a ring to it. Thank though yeah, #LoveAndTravelHugs© is basically my life motto and how I have gone and intend to travel and explore this strange but interesting realm we live in 🙂

    I have not yet been to your side of town, but have made a mental note to add it to my ventures. The freezing cold water is not such a bad thing as you have said there are distilleries to counter balance. Let me know when you’ve set up the Waffle site, ill link it to my new site http://www.INeedMoreWaffelsInMyLife.com *lol*

    I hope you’re enjoying that cracked Whisky now. All this talk has me very sad that I am Black Bottle-less right now 😦

    Say Hi to your Blog Partner for me 🙂

    And As Always…..


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